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Monday, July 8, 2013

La Bella Figura Talks About Favorite Products

The Co-founder of all natural beauty line, La Bella Figura, Victoria talks about her two "must have" products and why they are her favorites.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Facials Scare Me And Honeybees Don't

I have a huge confession or maybe it's an admission, either way it may come as a shock to some who have relied upon our expert advice on skincare that I do not get professional facials. Nope, I prefer to do them on myself and in the privacy of my home. I had a facial...once. It was such a traumatic experience that I never went back and vowed to learn how to care for my own skin at home so I would never have to face another cold extraction or the promise that my skin would glow. I always thought a glow was a positive thing, not so if your face looks like a piece of raw meat that could be fed to the tigers at the zoo.

Now, I'm not saying that facials don't work for people or that all facialists are horrible scary people with steel metal instruments coming at your face with the same expression the witch in Hansel and Gretel had as she concocted recipes for little children. Not saying that all at. I'm saying, that's how I felt. I was left with broken blood vessels, some scar damage, and extremely raw, red skin that took a couple of weeks to heal. It was too much for me and I can't fathom ever going back, even to the best celebrity facialist that offered to do it for free! (Well, maybe if Marion Cotillard's facialist insisted on giving me a free facial.) 

I kept hearing from friends that I was just unlucky or went to the wrong place, but the fact of the matter is that I have sensitive skin that will easily scar. Such is the case of most Latina skin, which has a tendency to discolor and suffer more minor trauma because of the active melanin in our olive tone skin types. This is also the case for African American, Asian, and Indian skin, all prone to scarring easily and a long turn around in healing. I became an expert with my own skin and paid attention to what caused me irritations, (talc in conventional cosmetics, fragrance) and what calmed my sensitive skin (good eating, Vitamin E, and healthy doses of zinc and omegas). I also realized I didn't need to go to a facialist to care for myself, it was something with a little time and patience I could do myself, at home.

I have begun to treat my skin to flower and herbal facial steams to swell my pores open and help detoxify with healing plant essences. I have also given myself bio active face masks to bring all the bacterial, grit, and grime to the surface. I find that enzyme based exfoliation with a mix of gentle fruit seeds doesn't cause my sensitive skin any damage and helps to remove any blackheads very easily. We at La Bella Figura have created a new formulation for one of the most effective skin treatments I've ever tried. A manuka honey mask with a therapeutic activity rate of 15+ that serves to detoxify and exfoliate all in one treatment. I find it so soothing and calming, especially if I've had a stressful week, which no doubt will show up on my skin instantly. The healing and curing ingredients that are in this face mask are all natural and in combination work like a charm! I look forward to my evenings when I'm working late, answering emails or reading, to apply the mask and leave it on for 20 minutes because I know the manuka honey is working just as hard as the honey bees that made it to exfoliate dead skin cells and repair stressed tissue. When I rinse it off (which rinses quite easily and without any tacky residue) I can automatically see a freshness or brightness of clean and happy skin! We are so excited to bring you a new product with huge healing benefits working to make your skin even more beautiful with the rest of the La Bella Figura line. Our herb and flower facial "teas" will also be here just in time when your skin needs it most and we think you're going to love them. Just like everything we do and create they are little luxuries made from the best nature has to offer us. Coming this Fall!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Remedies For Summer Skin Congestion

Summer in the city so far has been a lot like a batch of cinnamon, steamy, and very sticky.  There is no worse feeling than melting one second then going into an air conditioned office to have blasts of freezing air "set" your sweat. These severe weather conditions can really take a toll on your skin health and instantly brew up a batch of stubborn acne, blotchy skin, unsightly blackheads, and dullness comparable to your last date. I call it "summer congestion" and it happens to the best of us, but especially city dwellers who are surrounded by environmental pollutants stressing out your skin in conjunction with inconsistent weather. (Never stand too near the rear of a bus and not expect an expression of exhaust to render you breathless and cover you in black smoke. Learned the hard way.)

Last fall I began to give myself herbal facial steams at home experimenting with an array of healing herbs, flowers and spices best suited to my skin issues at the time. I fell pretty hard for my at home treatments and Sunday evenings suddenly became fun as I created new blends for the steams. A good facial steam is meant to swell up your pores, detox the skin, and allow dirt, bacteria, and blackheads to easily dislodge. I often would take this opportunity to exfoliate, as well as add nutrients and vitamins to feed my face, if you will. After a gentle upward massage and moisturizing with a serum and facial oil I often awake to a fresh face and skin renewal that makes me smile in delight. The best thing about creating a facial steam is you get to blend as many soothing ingredients as you like and if that's not your thing pulling out herbal teas from your cupboard will work just as well. Here is a step by step guide to relieve your skin from summer congestion. You can add more steps or make them simpler by purchasing already prepared kits. Honestly, it's just as easy to do it yourself with healing ingredients like marshmallow root, chamomile flowers, rose petals, or lavender.

Step 1-Prepare A Facial Steam:

Mix your soothing ingredients into a large bowl. I like using German chamomile flowers, marshmallow root, lemon peel, and a dash of turmeric from my spice rack for a summer cleansing steam. Heat water in a teapot until it is very hot and pour into the bowl with your dry ingredients allowing the healing components to steep for a minute before draping a towel over your head and letting the steam work its magic on your skin. Add hot water into the bowl as needed to create more steam and continue for 5-10 minutes. If your skin is oily do this one or two times a week to control sebum production.

Step 2-Exfoliate

After you have finished a facial steam is when I think exfoliating is most effective. Skin has sweated out some toxin buildup and blackheads are more likely to dislodge when pores are hydrated and swollen. It's so important not to be tempted to extract blackheads with fingernails as bacteria from nails can make acne worse and scarring and pitting can also occur. Use an exfoliator that does not contain walnut or apricot shells which are too abrasive. A seed or plant based exfoliator is best. I love making my own, but use what works best for you and with slow, firm circular motions exfoliate skin. Pat skin slightly damp and move on to Step 3.

Step 3-Manuka Honey Enzyme Treatment

Congested skin loses its luster quickly. Replenish skin with this lovely nourishing enzyme treatment. You may use any type of honey you wish, but I prefer manuka honey for its plentiful anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties. True manuka honey is native to New Zealand and stems from the manuka bush which also produces manuka essential oil. It is thick, deep caramel colored, and smells of rich active vitamins. (I like ingesting a spoonful when my throat feels raw for immediate relief.) Try this recipe as a mask once a week when skin is congested. The combination of manuka honey and Vitamin E and zinc rich barbary fig seed oil helps calm inflamed skin and clear it right up.

1 tablespoon of raw manuka honey
5 drops barbary fig seed oil
1/8 teaspoon of pure cinnamon or tumeric
2 drops lemon essential oil
2 drops rose oil

Mix the honey with all the ingredients until incorporated well and with clean hands apply in a thick layer over a clean face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This treatment recipe is especially beneficial for acne sufferers and blemish prone congestion. For normal skin plain manuka honey works just as well. 

Step 4-Floral Misters

Flower waters contain many healing and soothing nutrients for skin suffering summer congestion. You can purchase pure hydrosols which stems from the natural steam distillation process that occurs when making essential oils or make floral waters at home using dried organic flower petals and distilled water. Infuse dried petals in a glass spritzer bottles and pour hot water over to steep. Once cooled put into fridge to store. Spritz as needed and to hydrate skin before moisturizing. Spritzing cool floral water can make a muggy summer day very delightful indeed! So refreshing. 

Step 5-Lock In Moisture And Repair

If you have gone through all these steps and don't repair and protect with a natural moisturizing treatment, it's almost all done in vain. Sensitive and irritated skin can over produce sebum causing oily skin that contributes to acne. Using a quality facial oil or serum that contains plant based oils can balance sebum and normalize skin. For best results moisturize with oils and serums at night when skin is naturally repairing itself and the active ingredients have a better chance of penetrating and performing its best. 

These simple steps will have you looking like a glowing summer Goddess instead of a raging Medusa in no time. Since most of us are too busy during the work week use Sunday evenings to get yourself in tip top shape. Keeping in mind to follow my skin saving tips for even better healthy skin results.
Skin Saving Tips:
1. Avoid touching your face when shopping in a grocery store, using public transportation or exchanging currency. Ever notice blemishes flourish after being at the grocery store? It's no coincidence, carts are bacteria hotspots. Wipe them down and wash your hands as soon as you get home and definitely before putting away fresh food!
2. Wear less makeup or go makeup free on hot, humid days. Avoid silicon based products that contribute to skin clogging. Allow your skin to detox and breathe, that's what skin is supposed to do!
3. Clean makeup brushes, sponges, and applicators weekly. 
4. Eat plenty of water based and antioxidant rich foods. Watermelon, coconut water, fresh pressed juices all help to aid in skin health and revitalize naturally.
5. Use cleansing wipes or DIY wipes to cleanse dirt, sweat, and avoid bacteria buildup. 
6. Drink mate or matcha tea in summer to increase antioxidant support. It's delicious and you can switch to cold matcha lattes or smoothies. 

7. Use non-toxic, chemical free, and all natural skincare products to keep skin clear and beautiful. Wear a light sunscreen that is zinc oxide based. This tip is the best we'll give as many conventional products contain so many harmful ingredients that contribute to skin congestion and chronic flareups.

Happy Summer! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for more tips on modern organic skincare to reveal radiant skin. 

La Bella Figura

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Amazing Amazonian Buriti Oil

There are secrets in the Amazon that perhaps were never meant to be known to the rest of the world.  We however, are so happy to have discovered Buriti oil a year ago when my best friend brought me some from her visit to Brazil. 

I was very excited about buriti (sometimes called aguaje) oil's bright orange-red color because I knew it meant this oil was rich in beta-carotene and recently it has been found to filter and absorb cancer-causing UV rays from the sun. It also contains very high concentrations of Vitamins A and C, oleic acid, and tocopherols. This oil, which comes from the fruit of Moriche palm tree is used all over the Amazon to treat burns and skin infections as well as it's a stable food source for people and animals. Buriti oil is excellent for treating sunburns and providing skin with antioxidants to fight free radicals and repair damaged skin. We quickly became fans of this South American wonder and are delighted to incorporate its magic into a new formulation and product. Hold on to your horses beauty lovers, the mysteries of the Amazon will make your skincare dreams come true very soon!

Summer Release from La Bella Figura

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What on earth is A Super Serum?

Barbary Fig Renewal Serum, 1oz. $125
Have you tried a Super Serum yet? Have you heard about what concentrated serums can do for your skin? It's a good thing we've done our homework because our Barbary Fig Renewal Serum was made for people in need of something superior to plain old moisturizers.

This serum is intense in its gentle healing power to revitalize damaged skin. It contains active botanicals known for their regenerative effects. First on the list is barbary fig seed oil, an anti-ager with twice the Vitamin E content than argan oil and plenty of polyphenols to make it a worthy houeshold name. (We are the only American brand using barbary fig seed oil in our formulations and ours is EcoCert certified, cold pressed from the seeds) With broccoli seed oil, guava, pineapple and milk thistle, our hand blended formulation will change dull, damaged skin into fresh, glowing and healthy skin. Adding star power to the blend are rose oil to fight free radicals and calm irritated skin, magnolia flower oil to brighten dark areas, frankincense, melissa, and blood orange oil for an antioxidant boost you will love and show positive results for your skin.

The best part of a Super Serum is that it highlights several performance benefiting factors. Our Renewal Serum not only moisturizes, but it fights free radicals, helps with fine lines and wrinkles, targets spots to brighten, improves collagen and elasticity, and feeds your skin with vital minerals and vitamins to keep in youthful. If that doesn't sound incredible, I don't know what does! 

Trust us when we tell you that you will be hearing a lot about Super Serums! Remember where you heard it first though. La Bella Figura always works hard to make the best natural and organic products to make your skin beautiful.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

La Bella Figura Turns One And Interviews Themselves!

The Amalfi Coast

 Who are you?

La Bella Figura, a little natural and organic skincare brand that wants to bring "The Beautiful Life" to beauty lovers everywhere!

Where do you live?

We are based in Chicago, although our hearts are always someplace else. Mostly in Paris, Barcelona, or somewhere on the Amalfi coast.

What is your occupation?

We formulate, create and hand blend natural skincare products from certified organic or wild crafted ingredients. We bring beauty to the world and safe cosmetics to folks that trust us.

What is your astrological sign?

We are a power combo. A Leo and An Aquarian!

What do you do for fun and recreation?

We travel, write, cook, dance, meet our friends and laugh well into the night.

If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why?

There is so much that we still need to see. There is not a place on this earth that we wouldn't see! We travel because it reminds us of Huckleberry Finn, being a seven year old, diving into our imaginations, and it connects us with our humanity.

What do you enjoy most about your life?

We enjoy loving the people closest to us every day. We hold them tight and just love! Right now we are also enjoying some of the success from our hard work and being recognized by retailers, customers, editors, and beauty writers as responsible and truthful. When we receive a phone call or an email from a customer that tells us our products has changed their skin, well it makes us cheer with joy. We love to hear it. We also love being innovative with ingredients and educating people about chemical free beauty. How some women covet the latest Stella McCartney dress or Rag and Bone jeans we covet the latest fruit or vegetable oil making news in the science journals. Don't get us started about organic essential oils because we have been amazed by the variety in the plant world and wish to try them all!

What made you try organic products?

We were tired of the greenwashing, the chemicals, toxins and lies that are constant in the beauty world. Growing up, all we ever heard was that oil for your skin is the worst culprit and leading cause of acne and irritating skin issues. Meanwhile, the beautiful women of Morocco, Italy, France, and Spain have always used a variety of oils in their skincare routine with astonishing results! The old myth that oils are hazardous and are to be avoided is absurd since no cream or moisturizer can be made without oil. It's an emulsion of water and oil! We just didn't want mineral oil to be our moisturizer so we looked towards nature and like the beauty queen she is, we found our answers. There is no going back once you go clean and organic.

If we "shadowed" you for an entire day, what beauty horror would we find out about you?

Yikes! We are both guilty of being so busy running La Bella Figura that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. We're getting better though because we both made a recent committment to make exercise a part of our work routine daily. It's so easy to wake up and have emails, phone calls, and meetings to attend and skip a workout, but in the end we've realized we are happier when we can squeeze in some yoga or a cardio outdoors.

What are your favorite beauty products, something you could not be on a desert island without?

We are huge fans of two of our own products. Karen would go nuts if she didn't have her Decouverte Under Eye Repair Serum! Right now if I lost my bottle of Barbary Fig Renewal Serum I wouldn't be a happy camper either. It's getting my skin gorgeous for Spring.

Other than that I love my John Masters Organics Bare shampoo and I'm loving Raw Elements USA natural sunscreen made with some great ingredients that make my skin feel soft and not tacky.

What will you be doing this weekend?

It's St. Patrick's Day in Chicago this weekend and it'll be in the 70's! We'll be out and about for sure. We have a tradition here in Chicago where we turn the river green and have a parade and celebrate in a big way. Pretty sure green beer will be on the menu too. Don't ask what the city uses to turn the river green!

Sum up a motto that best describes you:

We do what we do not because it's always easy, but because we think it's right.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why Using A Serum Can Really Revitalize Your Skin Health

With the release of our new reparative Barbary Fig Renewal Serum comes many questions about serums and what they do for your skin.  Serums in general are meant to treat your skin with more nutrients and concentrated doses of anti aging ingredients than a face cream can. They can also target an array of skin issues that you wish to work on and can be used under makeup or under your moisturizer if you like.

Our Barbary Fig Renewal Serum is unique in that not only does the formulation help to heal and repair skin from environmental damage, it also moisturizes and promotes new cellular growth with a kiss of primer action for a flawless makeup application. That's right, it's a 3 in 1 product and a skin wonder product that will have you cheering for joy!  You will find the need for additional moisturizer won't be necessary nor will a chemical laden primer or those skin brightening creams everyone is talking about, which can contain the horrific ingredients mercury chloride and hydroquonine in large doses. We worked around that to brighten skin naturally with magnolia oil and natural Vitamin C.

The main ingredient in Barbary Fig Renewal Serum is of course, barbary fig seed oil. With its high levels of the super antioxidant we all covet for skin boosting healing, Vitamin E, barbary fig seed oil is the latest ingredient to use for exceptional skin care.  It also contains Vitamin K, which treats concerns such as broken capillaries, dark circles and blotchiness. Our serum also contains other skin healing ingredients such as broccoli seed oil (which gives the serum the silicone-like texture allowing it to act as a natural primer and to blend flawlessly into skin), milk thistle, guava and pineapple oils as well as the purest plant energy from rose, frankincense, magnolia, melissa and Italian blood orange essential oils. These essential oils are the plant's vital energy source and are loaded with nutrients that perform beautifully to treat skin issues.  It's not by accident that the rose has been used for thousands of years to beautify or that melissa essential oil cures skin disorders. There is definite scientific facts behind these delicate scented powerhouses in healing.

We at La Bella Figura work endlessly to create formulations we believe customers want.  Ever notice how some skin creams still don't get to the root of the problem and don't moisturize enough? And when was the last time you noticed real change in your skin? Because of our desire to bring you responsible and effective skincare Barbary Fig Renewal Serum was born and we are excited for those of you that haven't discovered the power of a serum to do so with La Bella Figura. It is a product we proudly stand by and are delighted every time a customer or beauty editor or retailer calls to compliment us on.  Try a serum this winter and revitalize your skin.  It's worth every penny and with the quality of ingredients you won't feel guilty in investing in your skin health.

Read the article about the best in natural skincare from Dr. Oz's fantastic site YouBeauty.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 Tips for Healthy Skin So You Don't have to be Afraid of Go Nude Sunday!

Here at La Bella Figura, we love Go Nude Sundays. More than just a day to run around without makeup, it's a chance to relax, cam down, and take a moment to take care of ourselves in order to prepare for the busy work week. For many, the idea of going nude is just a bit terrifying. I've compiled some tips that I've been using the last few years to really keep my skin in tip-top shape and making Go Nude Sundays less terrifying.

1. Get a good nights sleep. Not just one but as many as you can during the week.

Try to get anywhere from 7-9 hours a night. Well rested skin is healthy skin. If you have trouble falling asleep try turning off the TV, computer, and phone at least one and half to two hours before bedtime. Get into a bedtime routine. Try light stretching, wash your face, journaling or reading. The experts say that a bedtime routine helps prepare your mind and body for bedtime.

2. Change your pillowcases and sheets often.

Aim for every other day. Our skin, especially our faces, is in direct contact with our sheets and pillowcases every night. They can absorb oil, dirt, and bacteria resulting in blemishes and breakouts. Clean sheets and pillowcases equal clearer skin.

3. Wash your makeup off every night before bed.

This is my biggest beauty blunder. There are so many times I have gone to bed with a face full of makeup and I was too lazy to spend the extra few minutes washing it off. I've learned the hard way, going to bed with makeup still on almost always leads to a blemish on my face. I'm finally heeding what the experts have been urging for years: wash your makeup off!

4. Keep your hands off your face and off of your blemishes.

For years as a teen and a young woman, I happily picked, prodded, and squeezed anything that cropped up on my face. Luckily, I wasn't prone to many breakouts, but over the years, I've learned that the more I touch my face the greater the chance for a breakout. Our skin changes as we age and what was an inconsequential beauty habit in our youths can become one big beauty blunder later. If a blemish pops up nowadays, I treat it with a mixture of french clay, witch hazel, willowbark extract, a tiny bit of honey, turmeric, tea tree oil, and lavender.

5. Exfoliate

I've always been on and off with exfoliators. I've never been able to find one that I've really liked. They either seemed to harsh or not exfoliating enough. We started experimenting with some around the LBF studio. A mix of super seeds seem to the do the job quite well and leave my skin feeling fresh, smooth, and super silky. I recently made an exfoliator and added organic kelp powder to it and my skin felt brand new! We might just be onto something over here! I try to exfoliate twice a week now, it keeps my skin feeling smooth and healthy. Two warnings though: be careful not to over exfoliate or use a too harsh of an exfoliator as they can damage your skin.

6. Juice for beautiful skin.

Juice is a nutritious and delicious way to detoxify and hydrate skin cells. Look for juices brimming with free radical fighting antioxidants like prickly pear, pomegranate, guava, blackberry, blood orange, pineapple, kale and tomato juices. Juicing hardly requires any digestion so these powerful vitamins and minerals get delivered to your system fast!

7. Eat plenty of veggies, quality protein, and swap processed carbs for whole grains.

 "High-glycemic foods cause your blood sugar to rise, triggering a surge of insulin. The insulin stimulates oil-producing hormones called androgens, leaving you with pimples," says Leslie Bauman of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. Try foods such as peanut butter, nuts, avocado, and salmon that contain healthy fats that are great for the hair, skin, and nails.

 8. Forget synthetic retinoids and use the vitamin A packed powerhouse Rosehip seed oil.

It seems like every beauty article these days is touting the effect of retinoids but how do you get the benefits without the synthetics? The answer: Rosehip seed oil. We love Rosehip;  it sinks into the skin beautifully. It's the only vegetable oil that contains natural Retinoic acid (vitamin A acid). Gentle enough for sensitive skin, it helps tighten skin, reduce pores and inflammation, and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.

9. Clean your makeup brushes.

Brushes accumulate bacteria and dirt just like your makeup does and can cause clogged pores and bacterial infections. Keeping them clean helps keep your face clear.

10. Don't be afraid of oil on your skin!

For many years, the cosmetic industry told us that oil would cause blocked up pores, infections, and oily skin. Oils such as Argan, and Barbary Fig among others actually mimic the natural sebum your skin produces and helps balance and restore your skin to it's healthy levels. There's actually many people and doctors that promote the oil cleansing method, where it is believed that oil dissolves oil and after steaming, oil is rubbed into the face to break up dirt and oil. Our serums and face oils are blended with highly effective essential oil blends that target a number of skin issues and  they work great!

Well my lovelies,, I hope you find these tips helpful.

                                                                                 En bonne santé,

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

La Bella is back! Our new Bella is Joanna Runciman of Actual Organics.

Joanna Runciman

Joanna Runciman is a writer, wellness coach and advocate for detoxifying your life from chemicals. We crossed paths because I was enjoying her blog and found her passion for clean and green living inspiring. We sent Joanna products to sample and luckily for us she became a fan! Joanna has changed her own life and now helps others weed out the toxins in their life and is a leader in healing and wellness in Canada. Check out her site at

La Bella Figura: Who are you?

Joanna Runciman: Mrs Joanna Runciman.  A passionate advocate for non-toxic living, I educate and empower women to live more radiantly, through eliminating unnecessary toxic synthetic chemicals and toxic practices from their life.
Where do you live? 

JR: In the mountains of British Columbia, Canada.

LBF: What is your occupation? 

JR: Wife, friend and I also run a little business called Actual Organics.  I am currently writing my first book.
LBF: What is your astrological sign?

JR: Born in April, but actually the only guidance I seek is God!

LBF: What do you do for fun and recreation?

JR: Ski, walk, Feldenkrais and cooking, I also love watching comedies, my favourite being, Love Actually.
LBF: If you could travel anywhere, where would it be and why? 

JR: I would love to go to the rainforests around the world.  The majestic trees that have lived on this earth for centuries would be amazing to experience. 

LBF: What do you enjoy most about your life? 

JR: My husband is my best friend and I feel truly blessed everyday to be married. As well as that I am encouraged by the possibility for positive change; my educating others to take a stand and clean up their life- a sort of get the gunk out & get the radiance in! 

LBF: What made you try organic products? 

JR: Chronic acne for over ten years, I then began to reduce my toxic body burden; starting with what I used on my skin, moving to genuinely organic skincare was a logical choice.  I encourage reading ingredients thoroughly as organic can hide some horrors pretending to be healthy.

LBF: If we "shadowed" you for an entire day, what beauty horror would we
find out about you?

JR: I occasionally wear a Bobbi Brown mascara that I was given a sample of at a big department store in London, it has butylene glycol and phenoxyethanol and all manner of toxic synthetic ingredients but the occasional times I wear it my lashes do look longer! 
LBF: What are your favorite beauty products, something you could not be on\
a desert island without?

JR:  I love the La Bella Figura Barbary Fig Renewal Serum so would want an endless supply of that with me, some Shea butter, coconut oil and Ora Wellness tooth oil.  Baking soda is pretty handy too to clean my beach house on the desert island, so I'd like some of that too!
LBF: What will you be doing this weekend? 

JR: Skiing, having a massage, cooking and going for a long walk, drinking tea and playing cards. 

LBF: Sum up a motto that best describes you:

JR: You may not like what I say but detoxing your life will serve you well, so be brave (you are braver than you think) and get rid of the clutter be it physical, emotional or synthetic chemical!  Make your life more simple and enjoy the radiance that is yours to shine for the world to see. 

Thank you Joanna! We hope you had a lovely ski trip and are excited about your upcoming book. We can't wait to read your first book and hope you are inspired every day. Follow Joanna on Twitter @ActualOrganics and on her Facebook page, ActualOrganics.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

PARIS, the next tribute in our organic perfume collection

Oh, Paris! In the Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter, Paris is the capital in chicness of all the European cities. You will fall in love there or want to and even if you don't speak a word of French, there is something about Paris that will have you saying, "oui" in no time.

La Bella Figura has created a delicate, floral and universally appealing scent that will remind you of the abundance of love your heart swells up for while in Paris. Gentle notes of floral fields, chamomile, and sweet vanilla will have you sitting outdoors in that little French Cafe you can't stop thinking about. Our tribute bespoke scent is due to make its debut this SPRING-2012.